The Best Countries for Retirement in 2023: Why the U.S. Isn't Leading the Pack



Wondering where's the best place to retire? It's not the U.S. In a new list ranking the best countries for retired folks, the U.S. is way down at number 20 out of 44. Who's at the top? It's the peaceful and lovely Norway, with Switzerland and Iceland right behind.

Why did the U.S. drop in this list? Well, things like high prices, big national debt, and folks not living as long are some of the reasons. Norway, on the other hand, got big thumbs-up for taking good care of its people's health and for having a great way of life. While people in Norway are living longer, folks in the U.S. aren't. In one year, the U.S. went from being 17th best for health to 25th.

But there's more. How do people in the U.S. feel about retiring? A lot of them are worried. About half of the rich people asked in a survey think they'll have to make tough choices when they're older. Almost half think they might have to work even after they retire. And a big chunk, 47%, think they need a miracle to have a good retirement. Dave Goodsell, a smart guy from a group called the Natixis Center for Investor Insights, said, "You don't need magic — you just need a good plan."

Now, why is Norway doing so well? Small countries like Norway have it easier. It's simpler for them to agree on important stuff, like taking care of people's health. Goodsell says, "The best places are often small countries. Small countries can agree on things faster."

This list, made by Natixis Investment Managers, looks at four big things: how healthy people are, how good life is, how much money people have when they retire, and how well off people are in general. And guess what? The countries at the top are good at everything!

So, if you're thinking of where to retire or just curious, here are the top five countries in 2023:

1. Norway 

2. Switzerland

3. Iceland

4. Ireland

5. Luxembourg

The U.S. is a dream place for many, but when it's time to retire, maybe it's good to think of other places too. Like Goodsell said, the key to a happy retirement is a good plan.


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